Free, Real-time Flight Status &
Global Aviation Data API

Flight tracker & airport timetable data web service
trusted by 5,000+ of the smartest companies

250+ countries and 13,000+ airlines Scalable REST API infrastructure
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Position Lat: 43.5033 Lon: -79.1297 Alt: 7833.7 Speed Hor: 833.4 Ver: 7.17 Timetable Dat: 03/03/25 Dep: 2:30PM Arr: 4:25PM Get Full Access
  • Extensive Flight Data

    Tap into an extensive set of aviation data, including real-time flight status, historical flights, schedules, airline routes, airports, aircrafts, and more.

  • Worldwide Coverage

    Powered by a strong backbone of aviation data sources, our API delivers accurate details about any global flight at any stage, even down to the minute.

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Any flight worldwide, at your fingertips

Whether it's building booking platforms, visualizing and monitoring global flights or creating popular flight tracking applications — our flight data API is used by thousands every day.

UA2402 United Airlines (UA)
LAX Los Angeles Int.
BOS Logan Int.
Airborne On Time
Departure Los Angeles International IATA: LAX ICAO: KLAX
Scheduled 2019-12-11 23:30:00
Estimated 2019-12-11 23:30:00
Actual 2019-12-11 23:34:00
Runway 2019-12-11 23:34:00
7 73
Arrival Logan International IATA: BOS ICAO: KBOS
Scheduled 2019-12-12 07:54:00
Estimated 2019-12-12 07:54:00
Actual 2019-12-12 07:54:00
Runway 2019-12-12 07:54:00
B B27
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Aircraft Location Latitude: 41.7816 Longitude: -86.1503 Altitude: 8107.680 Direction: 86.530
Aircraft Speed Horizontal: 764.424 Vertical: 24.588
Aircraft Type Registration: N41135 IATA: 752 ICAO: B752 ICAO24: 738092
Airline United Airlines IATA: UA ICAO: UAL
Departure Timezone: America/Los_Angeles Arrival Timezone: America/New_York

Features at a glance

Whether it's building booking platforms, visualizing and monitoring global flights or creating popular flight tracking applications — our flight data API is used by thousands every day.

  • Live Flight Tracking
  • Historical Flight Data
  • Airline Routes Lookup
  • Airport Lookup
  • Airline Lookup
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  • Country Lookup
  • Aviation Tax Lookup
Aviation Data
10,000+ Airports
19,000+ Airplanes
300+ Airplane Types
13,000+ Airlines
9,000+ Cities
250+ Countries
500+ Aviation Taxes

Trusted by more than than 5,000 companies worldwide — get free access today

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