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Code Examples

API Documentation

The Aviationstack API was built to provide a simple way of accessing global aviation data for real-time, historical flights, and future flights as well as allow customers to tap into an extensive data set of airline routes and other up-to-date aviation-related information. Requests to the REST API are made using a straightforward HTTP GET URL structure and responses are provided in lightweight JSON format.

The following API documentation can be applied for any major programming language and will present general integration guides and explanations around API endpoints, request parameters and response objects. If any questions remain unanswered for you, simply reach out to the aviationstack support team for assistance.

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Getting Started

API Access Key & Authentication

After creating an aviationstack account, you will be able to retrieve your unique API access key using your account dashboard. Each aviationstack account can only be assigned one API access key.

To connect to the API, simply attach the access_key parameter to any valid API endpoint URL and set it to your access key. Find an example below, you can click the button on the right side of the code to execute the shown API request.

    ? access_key = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY

Keep your key safe: To prevent unauthorized access to your aviationstack account, please make sure to keep your API access key safe at all times. You can always generate a new key using your account dashboard.

256-bit HTTPS Encryption Available on: Basic Plan and higher

Customers registered for the Aviationstack with any plans may connect to the API using industry-standard 256-bit HTTPS (SSL) encryption. You don’t need a paid plan for accessing HTTPS protocol anymore.

Example API Request:


API Errors

If your request to the aviationstack API does not succeed, the API will return a JSON error response that contains error code and message objects indicating the type of error that occurred. The API also supports HTTP status codes, returning a code of 200 for successful requests, and an error status code (e.g. 404) for failed requests.

If a validation error occurs, hence, an API parameter is used in an invalid way, there will be an additional context object containing multiple sub-objects with the associated API parameter as the key and details about the given validation error(s) further sub-objects. Each instance of a validation error contains key and message objects.

Example Error:

   "error": {
      "code": "validation_error",
      "message": "Request failed with validation error",
      "context": {
         "flight_date": [
               "key": "invalid_flight_date",
               "message": "The flight date must be a valid date in the format YYYY-MM-DD."

Common API Errors:

Code Type Description
401 invalid_access_key An invalid API access key was supplied.
401 missing_access_key No API access key was supplied.
401 inactive_user The given user account is inactive.
403 function_access_restricted The given API endpoint is not supported on the current subscription plan.
404 invalid_api_function The given API endpoint does not exist.
404 404_not_found Resource not found.
429 usage_limit_reached The given user account has reached its monthly allowed request volume.
429 rate_limit_reached The given user account has reached the rate limit.
500 internal_error An internal error occurred.

API Endpoints


Real-Time Flights Available on: All plans

The API is capable of tracking flights and retrieving flight status information in real-time. In order to look up real-time information about one or multiple flights, you can use the API's flights endpoint together with optional parameters to filter your result set.

Example API Request:

    ? access_key = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY

HTTP GET Request Parameters:

Object Description
access_key [Required] Your API access key, which can be found in your acccount dashboard.
callback [Optional] Use this parameter to specify a JSONP callback function name to wrap your API response in. Learn more about JSONP Callbacks.
limit [Optional] Specify a limit of results to return in your API response. Maximum allowed value is 100 below Professional Plan and 1000 on and above Professional Plan. Default value is 100.
offset [Optional] Specify an offset for pagination. Example: Specifying an offset of 10 in combination with a limit of 10 will show results 10-20. Default offset value is 0, starting with the first available result.
flight_status [Optional] Filter your results by flight status. Available values: scheduled, active, landed, cancelled, incident, diverted
flight_date [Optional] Filter your results by providing a flight date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Example: 2019-02-28
dep_iata [Optional] Filter your results by departure city or airport using an IATA code. You can retrieve IATA codes using the Airports or Cities API endpoints.
arr_iata [Optional] Filter your results by arrival city or airport using an IATA code. You can retrieve IATA codes using the Airports or Cities API endpoints.
dep_icao [Optional] Filter your results by departure airport using an ICAO code. You can retrieve ICAO codes using the Airports API endpoint.
arr_icao [Optional] Filter your results by arrival airport using an ICAO code. You can retrieve ICAO codes using the Airports API endpoint.
airline_name [Optional] Filter your results by airline name. You can retrieve airline names using the Airlines API endpoint.
airline_iata [Optional] Filter your results by airline IATA code. You can retrieve airline IATA codes using the Airlines API endpoint.
airline_icao [Optional] Filter your results by airline ICAO code. You can retrieve airline ICAO codes using the Airlines API endpoint.
flight_number [Optional] Filter your results by providing a flight number. Example: 2557
flight_iata [Optional] Filter your results by providing a flight IATA code. Example: MU2557
flight_icao [Optional] Filter your results by providing a flight ICAO code. Example: CES2557
min_delay_dep [Optional] Filter your results by providing a minimum amount of minutes in departure delay. Example: 7 for seven minutes of delay in departure.
min_delay_arr [Optional] Filter your results by providing a minimum amount of minutes in arrival delay. Example: 7 for seven minutes of delay in arrival.
max_delay_dep [Optional] Filter your results by providing a maximum amount of minutes in departure delay. Example: 60 for one hour of delay in departure.
max_delay_arr [Optional] Filter your results by providing a maximum amount of minutes in arrival delay. Example: 60 for one hour of delay in arrival.
arr_scheduled_time_arr [Optional] Filter your results by providing a arrival date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Example: 2019-02-28
arr_scheduled_time_dep [Optional] Filter your results by providing a departure date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Example: 2019-02-28

Example API Response:

    "pagination": {
        "limit": 100,
        "offset": 0,
        "count": 100,
        "total": 1669022
    "data": [
            "flight_date": "2019-12-12",
            "flight_status": "active",
            "departure": {
                "airport": "San Francisco International",
                "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
                "iata": "SFO",
                "icao": "KSFO",
                "terminal": "2",
                "gate": "D11",
                "delay": 13,
                "scheduled": "2019-12-12T04:20:00+00:00",
                "estimated": "2019-12-12T04:20:00+00:00",
                "actual": "2019-12-12T04:20:13+00:00",
                "estimated_runway": "2019-12-12T04:20:13+00:00",
                "actual_runway": "2019-12-12T04:20:13+00:00"
            "arrival": {
                "airport": "Dallas/Fort Worth International",
                "timezone": "America/Chicago",
                "iata": "DFW",
                "icao": "KDFW",
                "terminal": "A",
                "gate": "A22",
                "baggage": "A17",
                "delay": 0,
                "scheduled": "2019-12-12T04:20:00+00:00",
                "estimated": "2019-12-12T04:20:00+00:00",
                "actual": null,
                "estimated_runway": null,
                "actual_runway": null
            "airline": {
                "name": "American Airlines",
                "iata": "AA",
                "icao": "AAL"
            "flight": {
                "number": "1004",
                "iata": "AA1004",
                "icao": "AAL1004",
                "codeshared": null
            "aircraft": {
               "registration": "N160AN",
               "iata": "A321",
               "icao": "A321",
               "icao24": "A0F1BB"
            "live": {
                "updated": "2019-12-12T10:00:00+00:00",
                "latitude": 36.28560000,
                "longitude": -106.80700000,
                "altitude": 8846.820,
                "direction": 114.340,
                "speed_horizontal": 894.348,
                "speed_vertical": 1.188,
                "is_ground": false

Please note: The API response above has been shortened to show only one flight result for readability purposes.

API Response Objects:

Response Object Description
pagination > limit Returns the specified or default limit of results per pagination page.
pagination > offset Returns the specified or default pagination offset.
pagination > count Returns the number of results found on the current pagination page.
pagination > total Returns the total number of results found for your API request.
results Returns an array of flights, included objects are explained below.
flight_date Returns the date of the flight. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
flight_status Returns the flight status. Possible values: scheduled, active, landed, cancelled, incident, diverted
departure > airport Returns the name of the departure airport.
departure > timezone Returns the departure timezone. Example: America/Los_Angeles
departure > iata Returns the IATA code of the departure location/airport.
departure > icao Returns the ICAO code of the departure location/airport.
departure > terminal Returns the departure terminal.
departure > gate Returns the departure gate.
departure > delay Returns the delay in departure in minutes.
departure > scheduled Returns the scheduled departure date and time in RFC3339 (ISO8601) format. Example: 2019-12-12T04:20:00+00:00
departure > estimated Returns the estimated departure date and time in RFC3339 (ISO8601) format. Example: 2019-12-12T04:20:00+00:00
departure > actual Returns the actual departure date and time in RFC3339 (ISO8601) format. Example: 2019-12-12T04:20:00+00:00
departure > estimated_runway Returns the estimated runway date and time in RFC3339 (ISO8601) format in the departure location/airport. Example: 2019-12-12T04:20:00+00:00
departure > actual_runway Returns the actual runway date and time in the departure location/airport in RFC3339 (ISO8601) format. Example: 2019-12-12T04:20:00+00:00
arrival > airport Returns the name of the arrival airport.
arrival > timezone Returns the arrival timezone. Example: America/Los_Angeles
arrival > iata Returns the IATA code of the arrival location/airport.
arrival > icao Returns the ICAO code of the arrival location/airport.
arrival > terminal Returns the arrival terminal.
arrival > gate Returns the arrival gate.
arrival > baggage Returns the baggage claim gate at the arrival airport.
arrival > delay Returns the delay in arrival in minutes.
arrival > scheduled Returns the scheduled arrival date and time in RFC3339 (ISO8601) format. Example: 2019-12-12T04:20:00+00:00
arrival > estimated Returns the actual arrival date and time in RFC3339 (ISO8601) format. Example: 2019-12-12T04:20:00+00:00
arrival > actual Returns the actual arrival date and time in RFC3339 (ISO8601) format. Example: 2019-12-12T04:20:00+00:00
arrival > estimated_runway Returns the estimated runway date and time in the arrival location/airport in RFC3339 (ISO8601) format. Example: 2019-12-12T04:20:00+00:00
arrival > actual_runway Returns the actual runway date and time in the arrival location/airport in RFC3339 (ISO8601) format. Example: 2019-12-12T04:20:00+00:00
airline > name Returns the name of the airline. Example: American Airlines
airline > iata Returns the IATA code of the airline. Example: AA
airline > icao Returns the ICAO code of the airline. Example: AAL
flight > number Returns the flight number. Example: 1004
flight > iata Returns the IATA number of the flight. Example: AA1004
flight > icao Returns the ICAO number of the flight. Example: AAL1004
flight > codeshared Returns one or more sub-objects detailing the operating airline and flight in a codeshare agreement (e.g., a Qantas flight operated by LATAM), or null if no codeshare exists.
live > updated Returns the exact date and time the live data was collected in RFC3339 (ISO8601) format.
live > latitude Returns the latitude coordinate associated with the aircraft location.
live > longitude Returns the longitude coordinate associated with the aircraft location.
live > altitude Returns the altitude (in meters) of the aircraft at the given time.
live > direction Returns the direction (in degrees) of the aircraft at the given time.
live > speed_horizontal Returns the horizontal speed (in kilometers per hour) of the aircraft at the given time.
live > speed_vertical Returns the vertical speed (in kilometers per hour) of the aircraft at the given time.
live > is_ground Returns true or false depending on whether or not the aircraft is on the ground at the given time.
live > aircraft > registration Returns the registration number of the aircraft. Example: N160AN
live > aircraft > iata Returns the IATA code of the aircraft. Example: A321
live > aircraft > icao Returns the ICAO code of the aircraft. Example: A321
live > aircraft > icao24 Returns the ICAO24 code of the aircraft. Example: A0F1BB

Using Flight endpoint, you can track Flight in real time and get flight status information.


Historical Flights Available on: Basic Plan and higher

Apart from providing data about real-time flight, the API's flights endpoint is also capable of looking up data about historical flights. In order to request data about one or more past flights, simply attach the flight_date parameter to your API request URL and set it to a date of your choice.

Example API Request:

    ? access_key = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY

    & flight_date = 2025-01-28

Note: Aviationstack provides historical data for the last 3 months only.

HTTP GET Request Parameters:

Object Description
access_key [Required] Your API access key, which can be found in your acccount dashboard.
flight_date [Required] Specify your historical flight date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Example: 2019-02-28
callback [Optional] Use this parameter to specify a JSONP callback function name to wrap your API response in. Learn more about JSONP Callbacks.
limit [Optional] Specify a limit of results to return in your API response. Maximum allowed value is 100 below Professional Plan and 1000 on and above Professional Plan. Default value is 100.
offset [Optional] Specify an offset for pagination. Example: Specifying an offset of 10 in combination with a limit of 10 will show results 10-20. Default offset value is 0, starting with the first available result.
flight_status [Optional] Filter your results by flight status. Available values: scheduled, active, landed, cancelled, incident, diverted
dep_iata [Optional] Filter your results by departure city or airport using an IATA code. You can retrieve IATA codes using the Airports or Cities API endpoints.
arr_iata [Optional] Filter your results by arrival city or airport using an IATA code. You can retrieve IATA codes using the Airports or Cities API endpoints.
dep_icao [Optional] Filter your results by departure airport using an ICAO code. You can retrieve ICAO codes using the Airports API endpoint.
arr_icao [Optional] Filter your results by arrival airport using an ICAO code. You can retrieve ICAO codes using the Airports API endpoint.
airline_name [Optional] Filter your results by airline name. You can retrieve airline names using the Airlines API endpoint.
airline_iata [Optional] Filter your results by airline IATA code. You can retrieve airline IATA codes using the Airlines API endpoint.
airline_icao [Optional] Filter your results by airline ICAO code. You can retrieve airline ICAO codes using the Airlines API endpoint.
flight_number [Optional] Filter your results by providing a flight number. Example: 2557
flight_iata [Optional] Filter your results by providing a flight IATA code. Example: MU2557
flight_icao [Optional] Filter your results by providing a flight ICAO code. Example: CES2557
min_delay_dep [Optional] Filter your results by providing a minimum amount of minutes in departure delay. Example: 7 for seven minutes of delay in departure.
min_delay_arr [Optional] Filter your results by providing a minimum amount of minutes in arrival delay. Example: 7 for seven minutes of delay in arrival.
max_delay_dep [Optional] Filter your results by providing a maximum amount of minutes in departure delay. Example: 60 for one hour of delay in departure.
max_delay_arr [Optional] Filter your results by providing a maximum amount of minutes in arrival delay. Example: 60 for one hour of delay in arrival.
arr_scheduled_time_arr [Optional] Filter your results by providing a arrival date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Example: 2019-02-28
arr_scheduled_time_dep [Optional] Filter your results by providing a departure date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Example: 2019-02-28

Using Flight endpoint, you can also get the historical flight data. Use flight_date parameter this YYYY-MM-DD format.


Example API Response:

Important: The API response returned for historical flights is identical to the API response returned for real-time flight data. To see the API response, please jump to the Real-Time Flights section.

Airline Routes Available on: Basic Plan and higher

The aviationstack API is capable of providing data about airline routes, updated every 24 hours. In order to get airline route data, use the API's routes endpoint along with a series of optional parameters to filter results.

Example API Request:

    ? access_key = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY

HTTP GET Request Parameters:

Object Description
access_key [Required] Your API access key, which can be found in your acccount dashboard.
callback [Optional] Use this parameter to specify a JSONP callback function name to wrap your API response in. Learn more about JSONP Callbacks.
limit [Optional] Specify a limit of results to return in your API response. Maximum allowed value is 100 below Professional Plan and 1000 on and above Professional Plan. Default value is 100.
offset [Optional] Specify an offset for pagination. Example: Specifying an offset of 10 in combination with a limit of 10 will show results 10-20. Default offset value is 0, starting with the first available result.
flight_number [Optional] Filter your results by providing a flight number. Example: 2557
dep_iata [Optional] Filter your results by departure city or airport using an IATA code. You can retrieve IATA codes using the Airports or Cities API endpoints.
arr_iata [Optional] Filter your results by arrival city or airport using an IATA code. You can retrieve IATA codes using the Airports or Cities API endpoints.
dep_icao [Optional] Filter your results by departure airport using an ICAO code. You can retrieve ICAO codes using the Airports API endpoint.
arr_icao [Optional] Filter your results by arrival airport using an ICAO code. You can retrieve ICAO codes using the Airports API endpoint.
airline_iata [Optional] Filter your results by airline IATA code. You can retrieve airline IATA codes using the Airlines API endpoint.
airline_icao [Optional] Filter your results by airline ICAO code. You can retrieve airline ICAO codes using the Airlines API endpoint.

Example API Response:

   "pagination": {
       "limit": 100,
       "offset": 0,
       "count": 100,
       "total": 208033
   "data": [
         "departure": {
            "airport": "Brussels Airport",
            "timezone": "Europe/Brussels",
            "iata": "BRU",
            "icao": "EBBR",
            "terminal": null,
            "time": "06:10:00"
         "arrival": {
            "airport": "Girona-Costa Brava",
            "timezone": "Europe/Madrid",
            "iata": "GRO",
            "icao": "LEGE",
            "terminal": "1",
            "time": "07:55:00"
         "airline": {
            "name": "Brussels Airlines",
            "callsign": "B-LINE",
            "iata": "SN",
            "icao": "BEL"
         "flight": {
            "number": "3683"

Please note: The API response above has been shortened to show only one flight result for readability purposes.

API Response Objects:

Response Object Description
pagination > limit Returns the specified or default limit of results per pagination page.
pagination > offset Returns the specified or default pagination offset.
pagination > count Returns the number of results found on the current pagination page.
pagination > total Returns the total number of results found for your API request.
results Returns an array of flights, included objects are explained below.
departure > airport Returns the name of the departure airport.
departure > timezone Returns the departure timezone. Example: America/Los_Angeles
departure > iata Returns the IATA code of the departure location/airport.
departure > icao Returns the ICAO code of the departure location/airport.
departure > terminal Returns the departure terminal.
departure > time Returns the departure time.
arrival > airport Returns the name of the arrival airport.
arrival > timezone Returns the arrival timezone. Example: America/Los_Angeles
arrival > iata Returns the IATA code of the arrival location/airport.
arrival > icao Returns the ICAO code of the arrival location/airport.
arrival > terminal Returns the arrival terminal.
arrival > time Returns the departure time.
airline > name Returns the name of the airline. Example: American Airlines
airline > callsign Returns the ICAO callsign of the airline.
airline > iata Returns the IATA code of the airline. Example: AA
airline > icao Returns the ICAO code of the airline. Example: AAL
flight > number Returns the flight number. Example: 1004

Using Routes endpoint, you can get the data about airlines routes and it is updated every 24 hours.


Airports Available on: All plans

To get data about global airports, you can use the API's airports endpoint. Customers subscribed to the Basic Plan or higher may also make use of the search request parameter to get airport autocomplete suggestions.

Example API Request:

    ? access_key = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY

HTTP GET Request Parameters:

Object Description
access_key [Required] Your API access key, which can be found in your acccount dashboard.
callback [Optional] Use this parameter to specify a JSONP callback function name to wrap your API response in. Learn more about JSONP Callbacks.
limit [Optional] Specify a limit of results to return in your API response. Maximum allowed value is 100 below Professional Plan and 1000 on and above Professional Plan. Default value is 100.
offset [Optional] Specify an offset for pagination. Example: Specifying an offset of 10 in combination with a limit of 10 will show results 10-20. Default offset value is 0, starting with the first available result.
search [Optional] Use this parameter to get autocomplete suggestions for airports by specifying any search term as a string. This feature is only available on the Basic Plan and higher.

Example API Response:

   "pagination": {
       "limit": 100,
       "offset": 0,
       "count": 100,
       "total": 6471
   "data": [
         "airport_name": "Anaa",
         "iata_code": "AAA",
         "icao_code": "NTGA",
         "latitude": "-17.05",
         "longitude": "-145.41667",
         "geoname_id": "6947726",
         "timezone": "Pacific/Tahiti",
         "gmt": "-10",
         "phone_number": null,
         "country_name": "French Polynesia",
         "country_iso2": "PF",
         "city_iata_code": "AAA"

Please note: The API response above has been shortened to show only one airport result for readability purposes.

API Response Objects:

Response Object Description
pagination > limit Returns the specified or default limit of results per pagination page.
pagination > offset Returns the specified or default pagination offset.
pagination > count Returns the number of results found on the current pagination page.
pagination > total Returns the total number of results found for your API request.
results Returns an array of results, included objects are explained below.
airport_name Returns the full name of the airport.
iata_code Returns the IATA code associated with the airport.
icao_code Returns the ICAO code associated with the airport.
latitude Returns the latitude coordinate associated with the airport location.
longitude Returns the longitude coordinate associated with the airport location.
geoname_id Returns the GeoNames ID of the airport.
timezone Returns the timezone the airport is in. Example: America/Los_Angeles
gmt Returns the GMT offset in hours.
phone_number Returns the phone number of the airport.
country_name Returns the name of the country the airport is in.
country_iso2 Returns the ISO code of the country the airport is in.
city_iata_code Returns the IATA code of the city the airport is in.

Using Airports endpoint, you can get the list of Airports with information like location, IATA code, etc.


Airlines Available on: All plans

To get data about global airlines, you can use the API's airlines endpoint. Customers subscribed to the Basic Plan or higher may also make use of the search request parameter to get airline autocomplete suggestions.

Example API Request:

    ? access_key = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY

HTTP GET Request Parameters:

Object Description
access_key [Required] Your API access key, which can be found in your acccount dashboard.
callback [Optional] Use this parameter to specify a JSONP callback function name to wrap your API response in. Learn more about JSONP Callbacks.
limit [Optional] Specify a limit of results to return in your API response. Maximum allowed value is 100 below Professional Plan and 1000 on and above Professional Plan. Default value is 100.
offset [Optional] Specify an offset for pagination. Example: Specifying an offset of 10 in combination with a limit of 10 will show results 10-20. Default offset value is 0, starting with the first available result.
search [Optional] Use this parameter to get autocomplete suggestions for airlines by specifying any search term as a string. This feature is only available on the Basic Plan and higher.

Example API Response:

   "pagination": {
       "limit": 100,
       "offset": 0,
       "count": 100,
       "total": 13131
   "data": [
         "airline_name": "American Airlines",
         "iata_code": "AA",
         "iata_prefix_accounting": "1",
         "icao_code": "AAL",
         "callsign": "AMERICAN",
         "type": "scheduled",
         "status": "active",
         "fleet_size": "963",
         "fleet_average_age": "10.9",
         "date_founded": "1934",
         "hub_code": "DFW",
         "country_name": "United States",
         "country_iso2": "US"

Please note: The API response above has been shortened to show only one airline result for readability purposes.

API Response Objects:

Response Object Description
pagination > limit Returns the specified or default limit of results per pagination page.
pagination > offset Returns the specified or default pagination offset.
pagination > count Returns the number of results found on the current pagination page.
pagination > total Returns the total number of results found for your API request.
results Returns an array of results, included objects are explained below.
airline_name Returns the full name of the airline.
iata_code Returns the IATA code of the airline.
iata_prefix_accounting Returns the IATA prefix or accounting code of the airline.
icao_code Returns the ICAO code of the airline.
callsign Returns the ICAO callsign of the airline.
type Returns the type of airline.
status Returns the current status of the airline.
fleet_size Returns the fleet size of the airline.
fleet_average_age Returns the average aircraft age of the fleet.
date_founded Returns the founding year of the airline.
hub_code Returns the hub code associated with the airline.
country_name Returns the name of the origin country of the airline.
country_iso2 Returns the 2-letter ISO code of the origin country of the airline.

Using Airlines endpoint, you can get the data of Airlines like IATA code, callsign, status, etc.


Airplanes Available on: All plans

To get data about different airplanes/aircrafts, you can use the API's airplanes endpoint. Customers subscribed to the Basic Plan or higher may also make use of the search request parameter to get airplane autocomplete suggestions.

Example API Request:

    ? access_key = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY

HTTP GET Request Parameters:

Object Description
access_key [Required] Your API access key, which can be found in your acccount dashboard.
callback [Optional] Use this parameter to specify a JSONP callback function name to wrap your API response in. Learn more about JSONP Callbacks.
limit [Optional] Specify a limit of results to return in your API response. Maximum allowed value is 100 below Professional Plan and 1000 on and above Professional Plan. Default value is 100.
offset [Optional] Specify an offset for pagination. Example: Specifying an offset of 10 in combination with a limit of 10 will show results 10-20. Default offset value is 0, starting with the first available result.
search [Optional] Use this parameter to get autocomplete suggestions for airplanes by specifying any search term as a string. This feature is only available on the Basic Plan and higher.

Example API Response:

   "pagination": {
       "limit": 100,
       "offset": 0,
       "count": 100,
       "total": 19052
   "data": [
         "registration_number": "YR-BAC",
         "production_line": "Boeing 737 Classic",
         "iata_type": "B737-300",
         "model_name": "737",
         "model_code": "B737-377",
         "icao_code_hex": "4A0823",
         "iata_code_short": "B733",
         "construction_number": "23653",
         "test_registration_number": null,
         "rollout_date": null,
         "first_flight_date": "1986-08-02T22:00:00.000Z",
         "delivery_date": "1986-08-21T22:00:00.000Z",
         "registration_date": "0000-00-00",
         "line_number": "1260",
         "plane_series": "377",
         "airline_iata_code": "0B",
         "airline_icao_code": null,
         "plane_owner": "Airwork Flight Operations Ltd",
         "engines_count": "2",
         "engines_type": "JET",
         "plane_age": "31",
         "plane_status": "active",
         "plane_class": null

Please note: The API response above has been shortened to show only one airplane result for readability purposes.

API Response Objects:

Response Object Description
pagination > limit Returns the specified or default limit of results per pagination page.
pagination > offset Returns the specified or default pagination offset.
pagination > count Returns the number of results found on the current pagination page.
pagination > total Returns the total number of results found for your API request.
results Returns an array of results, included objects are explained below.
registration_number Returns the registration number of the airplane.
production_line Returns the production line identifier of the airplane.
iata_type Returns the IATA type of the airplane.
model_name Returns the model name of the airplane.
model_code Returns the model code of the airplane.
icao_code_hex Returns the HEX ICAO code of the airplane.
iata_code_short Returns the short IATA code of the airplane.
construction_number Returns the construction number of the airplane.
test_registration_number Returns the test registration number of the airplane.
rollout_date Returns the rollout date of the airplane.
first_flight_date Returns the first flight date of the airplane.
delivery_date Returns the initial delivery date of the airplane.
registration_date Returns the initial registration date of the airplane.
line_number Returns the production line number of the airplane.
plane_series Returns the airplane series.
airline_iata_code Returns the IATA code of the airplane.
airline_icao_code Returns the ICAO code of the airplane.
plane_owner Returns the owner name of the airplane.
engines_count Returns the number of engines on the airplane.
engines_type Returns the type of engines on the airplane.
plane_age Returns the age of the airplane in years.
plane_status Returns the current status of the airplane.
plane_class Returns one or multiple sub-objects containing information about the types of classes (e.g. Economy Class, Business Class) are available ont the given airplane as well as details about the number of seats available, beds, cabin width, and more.

Using Airplanes endpoint, you can get the information about Airplanes like Registration number, Production line, etc.


Aircraft Types Available on: All plans

To get data about different aircraft types, you can use the API's aircraft_types endpoint. Customers subscribed to the Basic Plan or higher may also make use of the search request parameter to get aircraft type autocomplete suggestions.

Example API Request:

    ? access_key = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY

HTTP GET Request Parameters:

Object Description
access_key [Required] Your API access key, which can be found in your acccount dashboard.
callback [Optional] Use this parameter to specify a JSONP callback function name to wrap your API response in. Learn more about JSONP Callbacks.
limit [Optional] Specify a limit of results to return in your API response. Maximum allowed value is 100 below Professional Plan and 1000 on and above Professional Plan. Default value is 100.
offset [Optional] Specify an offset for pagination. Example: Specifying an offset of 10 in combination with a limit of 10 will show results 10-20. Default offset value is 0, starting with the first available result.
search [Optional] Use this parameter to get autocomplete suggestions for aircraft types by specifying any search term as a string. This feature is only available on the Basic Plan and higher.

Example API Response:

   "pagination": {
       "limit": 100,
       "offset": 0,
       "count": 100,
       "total": 310
   "data": [
         "aircraft_name": "Fokker 100",
         "iata_code": "100"

Please note: The API response above has been shortened to show only one aircraft type result for readability purposes.

API Response Objects:

Response Object Description
pagination > limit Returns the specified or default limit of results per pagination page.
pagination > offset Returns the specified or default pagination offset.
pagination > count Returns the number of results found on the current pagination page.
pagination > total Returns the total number of results found for your API request.
results Returns an array of results, included objects are explained below.
aircraft_name Returns the aircraft name associated with the aircraft type.
iata_code Returns the IATA code associated with the aircraft type.

Using Aircraft Types endpoint, you can get Aircraft name and IATA code.


Aviation Taxes Available on: All plans

To get data about aviation taxes, you can use the API's taxes endpoint. Customers subscribed to the Basic Plan or higher may also make use of the search request parameter to get aircraft type autocomplete suggestions.

Example API Request:

    ? access_key = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY

HTTP GET Request Parameters:

Object Description
access_key [Required] Your API access key, which can be found in your acccount dashboard.
callback [Optional] Use this parameter to specify a JSONP callback function name to wrap your API response in. Learn more about JSONP Callbacks.
limit [Optional] Specify a limit of results to return in your API response. Maximum allowed value is 100 below Professional Plan and 1000 on and above Professional Plan. Default value is 100.
offset [Optional] Specify an offset for pagination. Example: Specifying an offset of 10 in combination with a limit of 10 will show results 10-20. Default offset value is 0, starting with the first available result.
search [Optional] Use this parameter to get autocomplete suggestions for aviation taxes by specifying any search term as a string. This feature is only available on the Basic Plan and higher.

Example API Response:

   "pagination": {
       "limit": 100,
       "offset": 0,
       "count": 100,
       "total": 521
   "data": [
         "tax_name": "Government Tax",
         "iata_code": "AB"

Please note: The API response above has been shortened to show only one aviation tax result for readability purposes.

API Response Objects:

Response Object Description
pagination > limit Returns the specified or default limit of results per pagination page.
pagination > offset Returns the specified or default pagination offset.
pagination > count Returns the number of results found on the current pagination page.
pagination > total Returns the total number of results found for your API request.
results Returns an array of results, included objects are explained below.
tax_name Returns the name of the aviation tax.
iata_code Returns the IATA code associated with the aviation tax.

Using Taxes endpoint, you can get the data about different aviation taxes.


Cities Available on: All plans

To look up destination cities, you can use the API's cities endpoint. Customers subscribed to the Basic Plan or higher may also make use of the search request parameter to get city autocomplete suggestions.

Example API Request:

    ? access_key = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY

HTTP GET Request Parameters:

Object Description
access_key [Required] Your API access key, which can be found in your acccount dashboard.
callback [Optional] Use this parameter to specify a JSONP callback function name to wrap your API response in. Learn more about JSONP Callbacks.
limit [Optional] Specify a limit of results to return in your API response. Maximum allowed value is 100 below Professional Plan and 1000 on and above Professional Plan. Default value is 100.
offset [Optional] Specify an offset for pagination. Example: Specifying an offset of 10 in combination with a limit of 10 will show results 10-20. Default offset value is 0, starting with the first available result.
search [Optional] Use this parameter to get autocomplete suggestions for cities by specifying any search term as a string. This feature is only available on the Basic Plan and higher.

Example API Response:

   "pagination": {
       "limit": 100,
       "offset": 0,
       "count": 100,
       "total": 9368
   "data": [
         "city_name": "Anaa",
         "iata_code": "AAA",
         "country_iso2": "PF",
         "latitude": "-17.05",
         "longitude": "-145.41667",
         "timezone": "Pacific/Tahiti",
         "gmt": "-10",
         "geoname_id": "0"

Please note: The API response above has been shortened to show only one city result for readability purposes.

API Response Objects:

Response Object Description
pagination > limit Returns the specified or default limit of results per pagination page.
pagination > offset Returns the specified or default pagination offset.
pagination > count Returns the number of results found on the current pagination page.
pagination > total Returns the total number of results found for your API request.
results Returns an array of results, included objects are explained below.
city_name Returns the name of the city.
iata_code Returns the IATA code of the city.
country_iso2 Returns the 2-letter ISO code of the city.
latitude Returns the latitude coordinate associated with the city.
longitude Returns the longitude coordinate associated with the city.
timezone Returns the timezone the city is in.
gmt Returns the GMT offset in hours.
geoname_id Returns the GeoName ID associated with the city.

Using Cities endpoint, you can look up at destination cities.


Countries Available on: All plans

To look up destination countries, you can use the API's countries endpoint. Customers subscribed to the Basic Plan or higher may also make use of the search request parameter to get country autocomplete suggestions.

Example API Request:

    ? access_key = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY

HTTP GET Request Parameters:

Object Description
access_key [Required] Your API access key, which can be found in your acccount dashboard.
callback [Optional] Use this parameter to specify a JSONP callback function name to wrap your API response in. Learn more about JSONP Callbacks.
limit [Optional] Specify a limit of results to return in your API response. Maximum allowed value is 100 below Professional Plan and 1000 on and above Professional Plan. Default value is 100.
offset [Optional] Specify an offset for pagination. Example: Specifying an offset of 10 in combination with a limit of 10 will show results 10-20. Default offset value is 0, starting with the first available result.
search [Optional] Use this parameter to get autocomplete suggestions for countries by specifying any search term as a string. This feature is only available on the Basic Plan and higher.

Example API Response:

   "pagination": {
       "limit": 100,
       "offset": 0,
       "count": 100,
       "total": 252
   "data": [
         "country_name": "Andorra",
         "country_iso2": "AD",
         "country_iso3": "AND",
         "country_iso_numeric": "20",
         "population": "84000",
         "capital": "Andorra la Vella",
         "continent": "EU",
         "currency_name": "Euro",
         "currency_code": "EUR",
         "fips_code": "AN",
         "phone_prefix": "376"

Please note: The API response above has been shortened to show only one country result for readability purposes.

API Response Objects:

Response Object Description
pagination > limit Returns the specified or default limit of results per pagination page.
pagination > offset Returns the specified or default pagination offset.
pagination > count Returns the number of results found on the current pagination page.
pagination > total Returns the total number of results found for your API request.
results Returns an array of results, included objects are explained below.
country_name Returns the name of the country.
country_iso2 Returns the 2-letter ISO code of the country.
country_iso3 Returns the 3-letter ISO code of the country.
country_iso_numeric Returns the numeric ISO code of the country.
population Returns the population of the country.
capital Returns the capital of the country.
continent Returns the continent the country is located in.
currency_name Returns the name of the currency associated with the country.
currency_code Returns the code of the currency associated with the country.
fips_code Returns the FIPS code of the country.
phone_prefix Returns the phone prefix associated with the country.

Using Countries endpoint, you can look up at destination countries.


Flight Schedules Available on: Basic Plan and higher

The Flight Schedules API endpoint is for retrieving real-time timetable information for flights on the current day. This endpoint is designed to give users detailed and up-to-date information about flight schedules, including departures and arrivals.

Simply attach the iataCode and type parameters to your API request URL.

Example API Request:

    ? iataCode = DXB
    & type = departure
    & access_key = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY

HTTP GET Request Parameters:

access_key [Required] Your API access key, which can be found in your acccount dashboard.
iataCode [Required] The IATA code of the airport you'd like to request data from. Example: JFK,DXB.
type [Required] Airport schedule type. Available values: departure or arrival.
status [Optional] The status of the flight. Available values: landed, scheduled, cancelled, active, incident, diverted, redirected, unknown.
dep_terminal [Optional] The terminal at the departure airport Example1 ,2,3,4,5 etc .
dep_delay [Optional] The delay in minutes at departure. Example 10, 20, 45, etc it is not possible to set a delay range.
dep_schTime [Optional] The scheduled flight's departure in the following format:YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00.000 Example: 2023-06-07T05:00:00.000
dep_estTime [Optional] The estimated departure time in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00.000 Example: 2023-06-07T05:00:00.000
dep_actTime [Optional] The actual flight departure time in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00.000 Example: 2023-06-07T05:00:00.000
dep_estRunway [Optional] The estimated departure time at runway in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00.000 Example: 2023-06-07T05:00:00.000
dep_actRunway [Optional] The actual departure time at runway in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00.000 Example: 2023-06-07T05:00:00.000
arr_terminal [Optional] The terminal at the arrival airport. Example: 1,2,3,4,etc
arr_delay [Optional] The delay in minutes at arrival. Example : 10, 20, 45, etc ,It is not possible to set a delay
arr_schTime [Optional] The scheduled flight's arrival in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00.000 Example: 2023-06-07T05:00:00.000
arr_estTime [Optional] The estimated arrival time in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00.000 Example: 2023-06-07T05:00:00.000
arr_actTime [Optional] The actual flight arrival time in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00.000 Example: 2023-06-07T05:00:00.000
arr_estRunway [Optional] The estimated arrival time at runway in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00.000 Example: 2023-06-07T05:00:00.000
arr_actRunway [Optional] The actual arrival time at runway in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00.000 Example: 2023-06-07T05:00:00.000
airline_name [Optional] The name of the airline. Example : Air France, American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, etc(may need air%20france, american%20airlines, delta%20air%20lines)
airline_iata [Optional] IATA code of an airline. Example : GB
airline_icao [Optional] ICAO code of an airline. Example : EIN
flight_num [Optional] The flight number based on 1 to 4 digits, Example: 171
flight_iata [Optional] The flight iata number consisting of digits and letters, usually of the airline iata code. Example : AA171
flight_icao [Optional] The flight icao number consisting of digits and letters, usually the airline icao code. Example: 171
lang [Optional] Translations are available of the airport names, city names and country names to 43 different languages. See details below for the available languages. Read More

Example API Response:

        "pagination": {
            "limit": 10,
            "offset": 0,
            "count": 10,
            "total": 176
        "data": [
                "airline": {
                    "iataCode": "AV",
                    "icaoCode": "AVA",
                    "name": "SA AVIANCA"
                "arrival": {
                    "actualRunway": null,
                    "actualTime": null,
                    "baggage": null,
                    "delay": "65",
                    "estimatedRunway": null,
                    "estimatedTime": "2024-06-18T23:10:00.000",
                    "gate": "3",
                    "iataCode": "JFK",
                    "icaoCode": "KJFK",
                    "scheduledTime": "2024-06-18T22:05:00.000",
                    "terminal": "1"
                "codeshared": {
                    "airline": {
                        "iataCode": "br",
                        "icaoCode": "eva",
                        "name": "eva air"
                    "flight": {
                        "iataNumber": "br32",
                        "icaoNumber": "eva32",
                        "number": "32"
                "departure": {
                    "actualRunway": "2024-06-18T20:46:00.000",
                    "actualTime": "2024-06-18T20:46:00.000",
                    "baggage": null,
                    "delay": "97",
                    "estimatedRunway": "2024-06-18T20:46:00.000",
                    "estimatedTime": "2024-06-18T19:10:00.000",
                    "gate": "C4",
                    "iataCode": "TPE",
                    "icaoCode": "RCTP",
                    "scheduledTime": "2024-06-18T19:10:00.000",
                    "terminal": "2"
                "flight": {
                    "iataNumber": "AV4511",
                    "icaoNumber": "AVA4511",
                    "number": "4511"
                "status": "scheduled",
                "type": "arrival"

Please note: The API response above has been shortened to show only one data result for readability purposes. To ensure fair usage and optimal performance of our API, we have enforced a rate limitation on this endpoint. Each user is allowed to make one API call per minute. Exceeding this limit will result in temporary access restrictions.

API Response Objects:

Response ObjectDescription
pagination > limit Returns the specified limit of results per pagination page.
pagination > offset Returns the specified pagination offset.
pagination > count Returns the number of results found on the current pagination page.
pagination > total Returns the total number of results found for your API request.
results Returns an array of results, included objects are explained below.
airline > iataCode Returns the IATA code of the airline DL
airline > icaoCode Returns the ICAO code of the airline DAL
airline > name Returns the full name of the airline. Delta Air Lines
arrival > actualRunway Returns the actual runway time of arrival
arrival > actualTime Returns the actual arrival time
arrival > baggage Returns the baggage claim information
arrival > delay Returns the arrival delay in minutes
arrival > estimatedRunway Returns the estimated runway time of arrival
arrival > estimatedTime Returns the estimated arrival time
arrival > gate Returns the arrival gate
arrival > iataCode Returns the IATA code of the arrival airport MSP
arrival > icaoCode Returns the ICAO code of the arrival airport KJFK
arrival > scheduledTime Returns the scheduled arrival time
arrival > terminal Returns the arrival terminal
departure > actualRunway Returns the actual runway time of departure
departure > actualTime Returns the actual departure time
departure > baggage Returns the baggage claim information
departure > delay Returns the departure delay in minutes
departure > estimatedRunway Returns the estimated runway time of departure
departure > estimatedTime Returns the estimated departure time
departure > gate Returns the departure gate
departure > iataCode Returns the IATA code of the departure airport MSP
departure > icaoCode Returns the ICAO code of the departure airport KJFK
departure > scheduledTime Returns the scheduled departure time
departure > terminal Returns the departure terminal
codeshared > airline > iataCode Returns the IATA code of the airline operating the codeshare flight
codeshared > airline > icaoCode Returns the IATA code of the ICAO code of the airline operating the codeshare flight
codeshared > airline > name Returns the full name of the airline operating the codeshare flight
codeshared > flight > iataNumber Returns the IATA flight number assigned by the codeshare airline
codeshared > flight > icaoNumber Returns the ICAO flight number assigned by the codeshare airline
codeshared > flight > number Returns the flight number without the airline code
status Returns the current status of the flight. Possible values: scheduled, active, landed, cancelled, incident, diverted
type Returns the type of flight.

Using Flight Schedules endpoint, you can get the data about flight schedule on the current date.


Flight Future Schedules Available on: Basic Plan and higher

The Flight Future Schedules API endpoint is for retrieving future information for flights. This endpoint is designed to give users detailed and future information about flight schedules, including departures and arrivals.

Simply attach the iataCode, type, date parameters to your API request URL. Set any date to future in `YYYY-MM-DD` format.

Example API Request:

  ? iataCode = JFK
  & type = arrival
  & date = 2024-11-02
  & access_key = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY

Please note: We don’t cover airports with very small traffic like around 10 or fewer flights per day, CDT being one of these with only a few flights per day. So CDT is not included in our feeds.

HTTP GET Request Parameters:

access_key [Required] Your API access key, which can be found in your acccount dashboard.
iataCode [Required] The IATA code of the airport you'd like to request data from. Example: JFK,DXB.
type [Required] Airport schedule type. Available values: departure or arrival.
date [Required] Filter your results by providing a flight date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Example: 2019-02-28.
airline_iata [Optional] Filter your results by airline IATA code. You can retrieve airline IATA codes using the Airlines API endpoint.
airline_icao [Optional] Filter your results by airline ICAO code. You can retrieve airline ICAO codes using the Airlines API endpoint.
flight_number [Optional] Filter your results by providing a flight number. Example: 2557

Example API Response:

      "pagination": {
          "limit": 100,
          "offset": 0,
          "count": 100,
          "total": 294
      "data": [
              "weekday": "7",
              "departure": {
                  "iataCode": "ber",
                  "icaoCode": "eddb",
                  "terminal": "1",
                  "gate": "b17",
                  "scheduledTime": "06:15"
              "arrival": {
                  "iataCode": "cdg",
                  "icaoCode": "lfpg",
                  "terminal": "2f",
                  "gate": "",
                  "scheduledTime": "08:05"
              "aircraft": {
                  "modelCode": "bcs3",
                  "modelText": "airbus a220-300"
              "airline": {
                  "name": "",
                  "iataCode": "am",
                  "icaoCode": "am"
              "flight": {
                  "number": "5748",
                  "iataNumber": "am5748",
                  "icaoNumber": "am5748"
              "codeshared": {
                  "airline": {
                      "name": "air france",
                      "iataCode": "af",
                      "icaoCode": "afr"
                  "flight": {
                      "number": "1135",
                      "iataNumber": "af1135",
                      "icaoNumber": "afr1135"

Please note: The API response above has been shortened to show only one data result for readability purposes. To ensure fair usage and optimal performance of our API, we have enforced a rate limitation on this endpoint. Each user is allowed to make one API call per minute. Exceeding this limit will result in temporary access restrictions.

API Response Objects:

Response Object Description
pagination > limit Returns the specified or default limit of results per pagination page.
pagination > offset Returns the specified or default pagination offset.
pagination > count Returns the number of results found on the current pagination page.
pagination > total Returns the total number of results found for your API request.
results Returns an array of flights, included objects are explained below.
weekday Returns the weekday. Example: 3
departure > iataCode Returns the IATA code of the departure location/airport
departure > terminal Returns the departure terminal.
departure > gate Returns the departure gate.
departure > scheduledTime Returns the scheduled departure time. Example: 06:00
arrival > iataCode Returns the IATA code of the arrival location/airport.
arrival > icaoCode Returns the ICAO code of the arrival location/airport.
arrival > terminal Returns the arrival terminal.
arrival > gate Returns the arrival gate.
arrival > scheduledTime Returns the scheduled departure time. Example: 07:25
aircraft > modelCode Returns the model code of the aircraft. Example: b738
aircraft > modelText Returns the model code of the aircraft. Example: boeing 737-8k2
airline > name Returns the name of the airline.
airline > iataCode Returns the IATA code of the airline. Example: am
airline > icaoCode Returns the ICAO code of the airline. Example: am
flight > number Returns the flight number. Example: 6258
flight > iataNumber Returns the IATA number of the flight. Example: am6258
flight > icaoNumber Returns the ICAO number of the flight. Example: am6258
codeshared > airline > name Returns the name of the airline in codeshared. Example: klm
codeshared > airline > iataCode Returns the IATA code of the airline in codeshared. Example: kl
codeshared > airline > icaoCode Returns the ICAO code of the airline in codeshared. Example: klm
codeshared > flight > number Returns the number of the flight in codeshared. Example: 1818
codeshared > flight > iataNumber Returns the IATA number of the flight in codeshared. Example: kl1818
codeshared > flight > icaoNumber Returns the IACO number of the flight in codeshared. Example: klm1818

Using Flight Future Schedules endpoint, you can get the data about future flight schedule.


Code Examples

A number of code examples in different programming languages were prepared for you to get up and running with the aviationstack API as quickly as possible. You will find them below in PHP, Python, Node.js., jQuery, Go and Ruby.

Code Example - PHP

$queryString = http_build_query([
  'access_key' => 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY'

$ch = curl_init(sprintf('%s?%s', 'https://api.aviationstack.com/v1/flights', $queryString));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

$json = curl_exec($ch);

$api_result = json_decode($json, true);

foreach ($api_result['results'] as $flight) {
    if (!$flight['live']['is_ground']) {
        echo sprintf("%s flight %s from %s (%s) to %s (%s) is in the air.",
            ), PHP_EOL;

Code Example - Python

import requests

params = {
  'access_key': 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY'

api_result = requests.get('https://api.aviationstack.com/v1/flights', params)

api_response = api_result.json()

for flight in api_response['results']:
    if (flight['live']['is_ground'] is False):
        print(u'%s flight %s from %s (%s) to %s (%s) is in the air.' % (

Code Example - Nodejs

const axios = require('axios');
const params = {
  access_key: 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY'

axios.get('https://api.aviationstack.com/v1/flights', {params})
  .then(response => {
    const apiResponse = response.data;
    if (Array.isArray(apiResponse['results'])) {
        apiResponse['results'].forEach(flight => {
            if (!flight['live']['is_ground']) {
                console.log(`${flight['airline']['name']} flight ${flight['flight']['iata']}`,
                    `from ${flight['departure']['airport']} (${flight['departure']['iata']})`,
                    `to ${flight['arrival']['airport']} (${flight['arrival']['iata']}) is in the air.`);
  }).catch(error => {

Code Example - jQuery

  url: 'https://api.aviationstack.com/v1/flights',
  data: {
    access_key: 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY'
  dataType: 'json',
  success: function(apiResponse) {
    if (Array.isArray(apiResponse['results'])) {
      apiResponse['results'].forEach(flight => {
        if (!flight['live']['is_ground']) {
          console.log(`${flight['airline']['name']} flight ${flight['flight']['iata']}`,
              `from ${flight['departure']['airport']} (${flight['departure']['iata']})`,
              `to ${flight['arrival']['airport']} (${flight['arrival']['iata']}) is in the air.`);

Code Example - Go

package main

import (

type Airline struct {
  Name string `json:"name"`

type FlightInfo struct {
  IATACode string `json:"iata"`

type Destination struct {
  Airport string `json:"airport"`
  IATACode string `json:"iata"`

type LiveData struct {
  IsGround bool `json:"is_ground"`

type Flight struct {
    Airline Airline `json:"airline"`
    FlightInfo FlightInfo `json:"flight"`
    Departure Destination `json:"departure"`
    Arrival Destination `json:"arrival"`
    Live LiveData `json:"live"`

type Response struct {
	Flights []Flight `json:"results"`

func main() {
  httpClient := http.Client{}

  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://api.aviationstack.com/v1/flights", nil)
  if err != nil {

  q := req.URL.Query()
  q.Add("access_key", "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY")
  req.URL.RawQuery = q.Encode()

  res, err := httpClient.Do(req)
  if err != nil {
  defer res.Body.Close()

  var apiResponse Response

  for _, flight := range apiResponse.Flights {
    if (!flight.Live.IsGround) {
        fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%s flight %s from %s (%s) to %s (%s) is in the air.",

Code Example - Ruby

require 'net/http'
require 'json'

params = {
  :access_key => "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY"
uri = URI('https://api.aviationstack.com/v1/flights')
uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(params)
json = Net::HTTP.get(uri)
api_response = JSON.parse(json)

for flight in api_response['results']
    unless flight['live']['is_ground']
        puts sprintf("%s flight %s from %s (%s) to %s (%s) is in the air.",

Autocomplete Available on: Basic Plan and higher

As outlined for some API endpoints, the aviationstack API is capable of providing result suggestions based on a search term that can be used for autocomplete features in your application. To get autocomplete suggestions, simply attach the search parameter to the API request URL of any supported API endpoint and set it to a search term of your choice.

Supported API Endpoints:

  • Airports Endpoint: /airports
  • Airlines Endpoint: /airlines
  • Airplanes Endpoint: /airplanes
  • Aircraft Types Endpoint: /aircraft_types
  • Aviation Tax Endpoint: /taxes
  • Cities Endpoint: /cities
  • Countries Endpoint: /countries

Example API Request: In the following example we search for suggestions for airlines based on the term "american".

    ? access_key = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY
    & search = american

Example API Response:

   "pagination": {
       "limit": 100,
       "offset": 0,
       "count": 100,
       "total": 1
   "data": [
         "airline_name": "American Airlines",
         "iata_code": "AA",
         "iata_prefix_accounting": "1",
         "icao_code": "AAL",
         "callsign": "AMERICAN",
         "type": "scheduled",
         "status": "active",
         "fleet_size": "963",
         "fleet_average_age": "10.9",
         "date_founded": "1934",
         "hub_code": "DFW",
         "country_name": "United States",
         "country_iso2": "US"

Please note: The API response above has been shortened to show only one country result for readability purposes. To learn more about API response objects of this particular API endpoint, please jump to the Airlines API endpoint.

JSONP Callbacks

The aviationstack API supports JSONP Callbacks. To use the JSONP functionality, simply append the callback parameter to your API endpoint URL and set it to a function name of your choice. If a function name is provided, the API will return your API response wrapped inside the tags of the function you specified.

Example API Request:

https://api.aviationstack.com/v1/flights ? access_key = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY & callback = MY_FUNCTION

Example API Response:


Please note: The API also supports Access-Control (CORS) headers.


Using the translations function in the API with &lang= will slow down the API calls they involve a lot of translations of airports, cities, and countries. Therefore it is recommended to use it in combination with other filters to reduce the amount of data you receive in the response

Available languages

fr French
ar Arabic
fa Persian
ru Russian
zh_hans Chinese Simplified
zh_hant Chinese Traditional
es Spanish
hi Hindi
pt Portuguese
ja Japanese
de German
jv Javanese
ko Korean
tr Turkish
vi Vietnamese
it Italian
ur Urdu
pl Polish
uk Ukrainian
ro Romanian
az Azerbaijani
ha Hausa
my Burmese
th Thai
nl Dutch
yo Yoruba
id Indonesian
sv Swedish
no Norwegian
he Hebrew
da Danish
ms Malay
fl Filipino
fi Finnish
cs Czech
sk Slovak
hy Armenian
bg Bulgarian
ka Georgian
el Greek
hr Croatian
hu Hungarian
lt Lithuanian
lv Latvian
mk Macedonian

Business Continuity - API Overages

Ensuring our customers achieve success is paramount to what we do at APILayer. For this reason, we will be rolling out our Business Continuity plan guaranteeing your end users will never see a drop in coverage. Every plan has a certain amount of API calls that you can make in the given month. However, we would never want to cut your traffic or impact user experience negatively for your website or application in case you get more traffic.

What is an overage?

An overage occurs when you go over a quota for your API plan. When you reach your API calls limit, we will charge you a small amount for each new API call so we can make sure there will be no disruption in the service we provide to you and your website or application can continue running smoothly.

Prices for additional API calls will vary based on your plan. See table below for prices per call and example of an overage billing.

Plan Name Monthly Price Number of Calls Overage Price per call Overage Total price
Basic $49.99 10,000 0.0074985 2000 $64.99
Professional $149.99 50,000 0.0044997 10,000 $194.99
Business $499.99 250,000 0.002399952 50,000 $69.99

Why does APILayer have overage fees?

Overage fees allow developers to continue using an API once a quota limit is reached and give them time to upgrade their plan based on projected future use while ensuring API providers get paid for higher usage.

How do I know if I will be charged for overages?

When you are close to reaching your API calls limit for the month, you will receive an automatic notification (at 75%, 90% and 100% of your monthly quota). However, it is your responsibility to review and monitor for the plan’s usage limitations. You are required to keep track of your quota usage to prevent overages. You can do this by tracking the number of API calls you make and checking the dashboard for up-to-date usage statistics.

How will I be charged for my API subscription?

You will be charged for your monthly subscription plan, plus any overage fees applied. Your credit card will be billed after the billing period has ended.

What happens if I don’t have any overage fees?

In this case, there will be no change to your monthly invoice. Only billing cycles that incur overages will see any difference in monthly charges. The Business Continuity plan is an insurance plan to be used only if needed and guarantees your end users never see a drop in coverage from you.

What if I consistently have more API calls than my plan allows?

If your site consistently surpasses the set limits each month, you may face additional charges for the excess usage. Nevertheless, as your monthly usage reaches a certain threshold, it becomes more practical to consider upgrading to the next plan. By doing so, you ensure a smoother and more accommodating experience for your growing customer base.

I would like to upgrade my plan. How can I do that?

You can easily upgrade your plan by going to your Dashboard and selecting the new plan that would be more suitable for your business needs. Additionally, you may contact your Account Manager to discuss a custom plan if you expect a continuous increase in usage.

Introducing Platinum Support - Enterprise-grade support for APILayer

Upgrade your APIlayer subscription with our exclusive Platinum Support, an exceptional offering designed to enhance your business’ API management journey. With Platinum Support, you gain access to a host of premium features that take your support experience to a whole new level.

What does Platinum Support include?

Standard Support Platinum Support
General review on the issue Correct Icon Correct Icon
Access to knowledge base articles Correct Icon Correct Icon
Email support communication Correct Icon Correct Icon
Regular products updates and fixes Correct Icon Correct Icon
Dedicated account team Remove Icon Correct Icon
Priority Email Support with unlimited communication Remove Icon Correct Icon
Priority bug and review updates Remove Icon Correct Icon
Option for quarterly briefing call with product Management Remove Icon Correct Icon
Features requests as priority roadmap input into product Remove Icon Correct Icon

Priority Email Support: Experience unrivaled responsiveness with our priority email support. Rest assured that your inquiries receive top-priority attention, ensuring swift resolutions to any issues.

Unlimited Communication: Communication is key, and with Platinum Support, you enjoy unlimited access to our support team. No matter how complex your challenges are, our experts are here to assist you every step of the way.

Priority Bug Review and Fixes: Bugs can be a headache, but not with Platinum Support. Benefit from accelerated bug review and fixes, minimizing disruptions and maximizing your API performance.

Dedicated Account Team: We understand the value of personalized attention. That's why Platinum Support grants you a dedicated account team, ready to cater to your specific needs and provide tailored solutions.

Quarterly Briefing Call with Product Team: Stay in the loop with the latest updates and insights from our Product team. Engage in a quarterly briefing call to discuss new features, enhancements, and upcoming developments.

Priority Roadmap Input: Your input matters! As a Platinum Support subscriber, your feature requests receive top priority, shaping our product roadmap to align with your evolving requirements.

Don't settle for the standard when you can experience the exceptional. Upgrade to Platinum Support today and supercharge your APIlayer experience!

Read enough? Get started now by registering for a free API key!

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